Project Brief

Figo Bank is currently has a responsive website that looking to include a native mobile app that works with the following features:

- Checking accounts
- Saving accounts
- Credit card accounts

Client request: Native mobile app

User demographics: Young professionals

- 20 to 30 year olds
- First time having disposable income
- looking to learn about dept, credit, and investments

Project constraints


Font: Avenir (Primary Font) and additional fonts of your choice

Color: #3CCEAA #55575A #F8F6F6 (saturation can be adjusted)

Accessibility: WCAG AA Compliant


- Accounts are associated with Client ID #(8-digit number)
- The balance must support up to 11 digits
- Minimum required account type: Chequing/ Savings/Credit (don't need to use all three)
- Transfer between Pastel bank- free (EMT $1 between institute)
- Signing up must be prioritized over signing in 


Minimum mobile experience( 7-10 Screens)

Problem Space

When diving into this problem space we decided to focus on young professsionals and the specific problems they face realting to their financial journey.

Secondary research 

- 50% of young Canadians between the ages of 18-24 have student loans and only a proportion will have decline their loan by 36% by the time they reach 30.
- It can take nearly 10 years to save for a 20% down-payment in North American Cities.
- 50% of Canadians between 18-38 have overspent and gone into debt to keep up with peers alone.
- average amount of debt owed by Millennials on credit cards is $11,700

From the research we found that young professionals' biggest financial concerns were student loan debt, inflating living costs, and needing to save money for life milestones. 


From the research we created several how might we questions to see how we might tackle this problem space, eventually landing on this one. 

Primary research 

Interview phase


I believe Individuals require budgeting goals and better monitoring to maintain healthy spending habits.
I will know I am right when I get positive affirmation from my interviewees or 3/4 of my interviewees mentioned it. 

Interview Guide


- Validate my assumptions and hypothesis
- Understand user’s pain points, motivations and behaviours

Qualitative Method

- User Interviews (4 Candidates)

Participant requirements

- Age: 20-30
- Limited work experience(Within 5 Years)
- Have experience with financial services

Interview Findings

Key themes

Monitoring expenses

Individuals require budgeting goals and better monitoring to maintain healthy spending habits.

key Insight

"I struggle to change my behaviour. I can't seem to keep more money in the bank than what is going outward" 


Several other common insights taken from the interviews included

- Banking

- Deals

- Education

- Setting goals


Developed from the interview insights, our persona Charlie is our representation of our target audience. A young professional, recent graduate from university. This 23 years old has just started a new job and requires a car.
She needs to develop healthy spending habits by setting up goals, learning saving tips and monitoring her progress in achieving her financial objective.

Charlie’s experience


Concept sketches

We used the ideation stage to work out major functions in our app. through discussion and voting we ended on a AI robot advisor and a strategic saving plan solution focused on young professionals.


User testing

User testing allows for our group to capture feedback on the usability of our design. from our low-fi prototype we conduct 2 rounds of usability test with 5 participants each. We give the participants scenarios to use the app in with certain task. Link below to major changes and notes from user tests.

Visual Identity

Mood board


High fidelity prototype

Product Features

Ai Robo Chat Advisor


The combination of Ai Robo Chat Advisor and Analytics not only relieves her pain of not knowing her financial situations such as - she doesn't know where did her money goes, but also helps her set up personalized and achievable saving strategies.

Money Tree Illustration

We also implemented the money tree illustrations into our design to represent each saving target. Charlie will have a strong visualization of her goal and the bank will plant a real tree for her after she reaches a certain amount of savings. In this way, she is motivated to stick with her savings plan. 

High-Fidelity Design

Next steps

Moving forward, we would like to add additional features that could bring more value to users like Charlie. We believe that the users would benefit from a feature such as the Robo wealth advisor, a premium tool for growing their revenue through investments. The Robo Investor feature was briefly introduced as part of our prototype and was represented with a golden robo icon. We would also like to take the time to develop new saving strategies and further refine the communication to keep the users on track with their financial goals.  

We hope that our solution will help Young Professionals build more wealth and gain more confidence in their future, both financially and environmentally.

Using Format